The Choreographer.

“…one of contemporary dance's most renowned creators and stage movement innovators.”

-Broadway World

My style balances intimate pedestrian gestures and full body expressions

Urban Midwest Storytelling is how I define my body of work that reflects the juxtaposition of beauty and hopelessness that is felt in living in a midwestern rust belt city. Through this nuanced, and personal style of storytelling, my goal is to offer insights about life to help others navigate their own by centering black stories to tell exemplified universal truths.

My process strips away a presentational style of creation to find emotional truths by leaning into introspection-connecting with community members to engage through the act of storytelling, movement workshops, and experiences. I see myself as highly collaborative, shepherding my work to fruition often with an interdisciplinary group of artists. My movement foundation is in the release principles of Erick Hawkins Technique which informs the way in which I balance both intimate, pedestrian gestures and full body expressions that explode across space.

At this point in my career, my work has is directly connected to personal questions I am exploring in my own life around identity and parenthood. I believe my work continues the legacy that is rooted in collective collaboration of hip hop, jazz, the AfriCOBRA, and Harlem Renaissance art movements. 

As a Black choreographer, I am one of many in this country who are using their art to address structural and personal struggles that our community faces. However, my focus starts within the inner life of the individual and moves outward, towards how they exist and move through this space as a Black person with such personal and structural obstacles. The stories I create with, for, and by community collaborators puts a fingerprint on all the choices I make with my performances. Thus, I co-create experiences with them, sharing stories of people who look like me so to provide a platform for Black people to speak and for their stories to be heard without interruptions.

Dominic works across many fields in the dance industry

College & Universities

Dominic brings a unique brand of storytelling into university dance departments by creating new original work on undergraduate and graduate level students.

Professional Dance Companies

Expose your company dancers to one of the nationally recognized upcoming contemporary dance makers in the United States.

Regional Theater Companies

Are you a regional theater company looking for a choreographer? Dominic offers a new perspective to producers/directors with his brand of Urban Midwest Storytelling.